Operational Observance

Concept vs Action

“Do they actually want this?” The more things change, the more they stay the same. This especially holds true when it comes to how governments determine the level of change they claim to pursue versus their willingness to enact it. A common denominator Leadership officials have a tremendous obligation to the public, upholding their fiduciary […]

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World on Backorder

“Didn’t we order this a year ago?” If you have ever been involved in a construction project, it is no secret that delays happen. Improper planning, poor coordination, lack of review, inadequate scheduling, murphy’s law, whatever! At the end of the day, effort without results means nothing. The world of construction is all about taking

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Quality Control

“How did this happen?” You have been working diligently on your vision for months now. Although your team has crossed every ‘T’ and dotted every ‘I’, somehow things didn’t turn out the way you planned. Plans and schedules can only take you so far, if there is no one to oversee the process and scrutinize

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